​​Hello, I'm Pippa Jay - welcome to my website! Here you can find my books--those available to buy and those soon to come--and links for where to find me, my works and to contact me. Who am I? A girl who writes scifi to engage the emotions. Whovian, Scaper, Sith-in-training. Somewhere along the line, a touch of romance crept into my books and refused to leave. My dream of being published one day has now come true. I hope you like what you find here...
"Never give up - never surrender!" Commander Quincy Taggart, Galaxy Quest
Love and luck,
Pippa Jay x
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All Blog Content by Pippa Jay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at pippajay.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://pippajay.blogspot.com/.
Pippa Jay - Adventures in Scifi
All content on this page is the intellectual property of and copyrighted to Philippa J. Green and may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise duplicated without permission.
Portals - Seven Free Volumes of Scifi Romance First Chapter Samplers
Short Stories