Terms & Conditions Apply​​ (Venus Ascendant #1)
Sometimes love has a price...
"Welcome to Venus Ascendant, a Public Grade Space station in the Andromedan Sector. With our open-to-all policy, any being in the universe can find their perfect R & R, romantic getaway or dangerous liason at our purpose built resort. The on-board empathic AI Ganesa ensures that anyone coming to Venus Ascendant will find their heart's desire, with suites that transform from luxurious boudoirs to sunset-lit beaches to dark BDSM dungeons. So come to Venus Ascendant and find ​exactly what you're looking for!"
It was meant to be a romantic getaway for Marie and the love of her life Jaisen; a chance for him to get to know her better after months of her denying him more than a few stolen kisses. Instead, Marie finds herself dumped and alone on Venus Ascendant with no credit for a transmat and the next starship home not due for another hour.​
But the all-seeing AI isn't going to leave anyone aboard the space station with their dreams unfulfilled. Marie's boyfriend might not have made it to the station, but there are others willing and able to take on the role - even if they aren't entirely human.
WARNING - Not suitable for under 18s due to adult content.
​A Science Fiction Romance Short Story available in all digital formats from Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. Download a free sample and read the reviews at Goodreads.
Cover art and editing - Danielle Fine​
Venus Ascendant, Ganesa and Frisnik are owned by and used with the permission of Misa Buckley
Finalist in the Gulf Coast RWA Chapter Silken Sands Self-Published Star Award (2nd place)​
"For such a short story, Terms & Conditions Apply packs a huge emotional punch. It is sweet and sexy rolled into one, with a surprising twist at the end."
Jessica E Subject, author of Celestial Seduction